module : en action

Création du fichier helper.js

 * querySelector wrapper
 * @param {string} selector Selector to query
 * @param {Element} [scope] Optional scope element for the selector
export function qs(selector, scope = document) {
return scope.querySelector(selector);

 * addEventListener wrapper
 * @param {Element|Window} target Target Element
 * @param {string} type Event name to bind to
 * @param {Function} callback Event callback
 * @param {boolean} [capture] Capture the event
export function $on(target, type, callback, capture) {
target.addEventListener(type, callback, !!capture);

 * Attach a handler to an event for all elements matching a selector.
 * @param {Element} target Element which the event must bubble to
 * @param {string} selector Selector to match
 * @param {string} type Event name
 * @param {Function} handler Function called when the event bubbles to target
 *                           from an element matching selector
 * @param {boolean} [capture] Capture the event
export function $delegate(target, selector, type, handler, capture) {
const dispatchEvent = event => {
const targetElement =;
const potentialElements = target.querySelectorAll(selector);
let i = potentialElements.length;

while (i--) {
if (potentialElements[i] === targetElement) {, event);

$on(target, type, dispatchEvent, !!capture);

 * Encode less-than and ampersand characters with entity codes to make user-
 * provided text safe to parse as HTML.
 * @param {string} s String to escape
 * @returns {string} String with unsafe characters escaped with entity codes
export const escapeForHTML = s => s.replace(/[&<]/g, c => c === '&' ? '&amp;' : '&lt;');

Utilisation de la fonction $on dans un fichier 

Voici la structure de l'application
avec dans le répertoire src : 

Pour utiliser la fonction $on dans app.js on écrit : 

import {$on} from './helpers.js';

Dans le fichier index.html, on utilise le code

<script src="src/app.js" type="module"></script>


on peut utiliser simplement l'extension sous chrome.

Exemple en ligne