Exit !


all objet

var map = ["#####",
           "#   #",
           "# o #",
           "#   #",

class BouncingCritter {
  constructor (){
    this.direction = randomElement(directionNames);

  act(view) {
     //console.log("reche dans la dir = " + this.direction);
    if (view.look(this.direction) != " "){
    //console.log(" cherche");
    this.direction = view.find(" ") || "s";
    //console.log("dir trouve espace  = " + this.direction);

  return {type: "move", direction: this.direction};

class Wall {


class Vector {
  constructor (x, y){
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

  plus (other) { return new Vector(this.x + other.x, this.y + other.y);}

class Grid {
  constructor (W, H){
    this.width = W;
    this.height = H;
    this.space = Array.from(new Array(this.height*this.width));
  getS (vector) {return this.space[vector.x + this.width * vector.y];}
  getSpace () {return this.space;}
  setS (vector, value){this.space[vector.x + this.width * vector.y] = value;}
  map (f) {
    return this.space.map(f);}
  isInside (vector) {return vector.x >= 0 && vector.x < this.width &&
         vector.y >= 0 && vector.y < this.height;}
  forEach(f) {
    //console.log("foreach cool");
    this.space.forEach((elt,i) => {
       if (elt != null){
          //console.log(i%this.width+ " " +Math.floor(i/this.width));
          f(elt, new Vector(i%this.width,Math.floor(i/this.width)));

function elementFromChar(legend, ch) {
  if (ch == " ")
    return null;
  var element = new legend[ch]();
  element.originChar = ch;
  return element;
function charFromElement(element) {
  if (element == null)
    return " ";
    return element.originChar;
class World {
  constructor (map,legend){
    this.grid = new Grid(map[0].length, map.length);
    this.legend = legend;
  setS (){
    map.forEach( (line,y) => {
      line.split("").forEach( (char,x) => {
           //console.log(x + " " + " " + y + " " +char + " " +elementFromChar(this.legend,char));
           this.grid.setS(new Vector(x,y),elementFromChar(this.legend,char));
  toString () {
     return (
    this.grid.getSpace().map( (elt) => charFromElement(elt))
                        .reduce((p,n,i) => (i%this.grid.width===0) ? (p+"\n"+n) : (p+n))

  turn () {
  var acted = [];
  this.grid.forEach( (critter, vector) => {
    if (critter.act && acted.indexOf(critter) == -1) {
      this.letAct(critter, vector);

  letAct(critter, vector) {
  var action = critter.act(new View(this, vector));
  if (action && action.type == "move") {
    var dest = this.checkDestination(action, vector);
    if (dest && this.grid.getS(dest) == null) {
      this.grid.setS(vector, null);
      this.grid.setS(dest, critter);

  checkDestination(action, vector) {
  if (directions.hasOwnProperty(action.direction)) {
    var dest = vector.plus(directions[action.direction]);
    if (this.grid.isInside(dest))
      return dest;


var directions = {
  "n":  new Vector( 0, -1),
  "ne": new Vector( 1, -1),
  "e":  new Vector( 1,  0),
  "se": new Vector( 1,  1),
  "s":  new Vector( 0,  1),
  "sw": new Vector(-1,  1),
  "w":  new Vector(-1,  0),
  "nw": new Vector(-1, -1)

function randomElement(array) {
  return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];

var directionNames = "n ne e se s sw w nw".split(" ");

class View {
  constructor (world, vector){
    this.world = world;
    this.vector = vector;

  look(dir) {
  var target = this.vector.plus(directions[dir]);
  if (this.world.grid.isInside(target))
    return charFromElement(this.world.grid.getS(target));
    return "#";

  findAll(ch) {
  var found = [];
  for (var dir in directions){
    if (this.look(dir) == ch){
      //console.log('ch' + ch);
  return found;

  find(ch) {
  //console.log("ds find ch= " + ch);
     var found = this.findAll(ch);
  //console.log("ds find" + found);
     if (found.length == 0) return null;
     return randomElement(found);


var world = new World(map,
                   {"#" : Wall,
                    "o" : BouncingCritter});
for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++) {


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var map = ["#####",
           "#   #",
           "# o #",
           "#   #",

function BouncingCritter() {
  this.direction = randomElement(directionNames);

BouncingCritter.prototype.act = function(view) {

  //console.log("reche dans la dir = " + this.direction);
  if (view.look(this.direction) != " "){
    //console.log(" cherche");
    this.direction = view.find(" ") || "s";
    //console.log("dir trouve espace  = " + this.direction);
  return {type: "move", direction: this.direction};

function Wall() {};

class Vector {
  constructor (x, y){
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

  plus (other) { return new Vector(this.x + other.x, this.y + other.y);}

class Grid {
  constructor (W, H){
    this.width = W;
    this.height = H;
    this.space = Array.from(new Array(this.height*this.width));
  getS (vector) {return this.space[vector.x + this.width * vector.y];}
  getSpace () {return this.space;}
  setS (vector, value){this.space[vector.x + this.width * vector.y] = value;}
  map (f) {
    return this.space.map(f);}
  isInside (vector) {return vector.x >= 0 && vector.x < this.width &&
         vector.y >= 0 && vector.y < this.height;}
  forEach(f) {
    //console.log("foreach cool");
    this.space.forEach((elt,i) => {
       if (elt != null){
          //console.log(i%this.width+ " " +Math.floor(i/this.width));
          f(elt, new Vector(i%this.width,Math.floor(i/this.width)));

function elementFromChar(legend, ch) {
  if (ch == " ")
    return null;
  var element = new legend[ch]();
  element.originChar = ch;
  return element;
function charFromElement(element) {
  if (element == null)
    return " ";
    return element.originChar;
class World {
  constructor (map,legend){
    this.grid = new Grid(map[0].length, map.length);
    this.legend = legend;
  setS (){
    map.forEach( (line,y) => {
      line.split("").forEach( (char,x) => {
           //console.log(x + " " + " " + y + " " +char + " " +elementFromChar(this.legend,char));
           this.grid.setS(new Vector(x,y),elementFromChar(this.legend,char));
  toString () {
     return (
    this.grid.getSpace().map( (elt) => charFromElement(elt))
                        .reduce((p,n,i) => (i%this.grid.width===0) ? (p+"\n"+n) : (p+n))
World.prototype.turn = function() {
  var acted = [];
  this.grid.forEach( (critter, vector) => {
    if (critter.act && acted.indexOf(critter) == -1) {
      this.letAct(critter, vector);

World.prototype.letAct = function(critter, vector) {
  var action = critter.act(new View(this, vector));
  if (action && action.type == "move") {
    var dest = this.checkDestination(action, vector);
    if (dest && this.grid.getS(dest) == null) {
      this.grid.setS(vector, null);
      this.grid.setS(dest, critter);

World.prototype.checkDestination = function(action, vector) {
  if (directions.hasOwnProperty(action.direction)) {
    var dest = vector.plus(directions[action.direction]);
    if (this.grid.isInside(dest))
      return dest;

var directions = {
  "n":  new Vector( 0, -1),
  "ne": new Vector( 1, -1),
  "e":  new Vector( 1,  0),
  "se": new Vector( 1,  1),
  "s":  new Vector( 0,  1),
  "sw": new Vector(-1,  1),
  "w":  new Vector(-1,  0),
  "nw": new Vector(-1, -1)

function randomElement(array) {
  return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];

var directionNames = "n ne e se s sw w nw".split(" ");

function View(world, vector) {
  this.world = world;
  this.vector = vector;
View.prototype.look = function(dir) {
  var target = this.vector.plus(directions[dir]);
  if (this.world.grid.isInside(target))
    return charFromElement(this.world.grid.getS(target));
    return "#";
View.prototype.findAll = function(ch) {
  var found = [];
  for (var dir in directions){
    if (this.look(dir) == ch){
      //console.log('ch' + ch);
  return found;
View.prototype.find = function(ch) {
  //console.log("ds find ch= " + ch);
  var found = this.findAll(ch);
  //console.log("ds find" + found);
  if (found.length == 0) return null;
  return randomElement(found);

var world = new World(map,
                   {"#" : Wall,
                    "o" : BouncingCritter});
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

array of array

// version array of array ! 

var map = [ "HHHHHHHHHH",
            "X    !   X",
            "X        X",
            "X  ?     X",
            "X        X",
let legend = {"X":"1",
              "!": "A",

let legendInv = {"1":"|",
              "A": "x",
              "-" :"-",
              "E" :"Y"};

class Vector {
  constructor (x, y){
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
//modif de la representation interne de la grille array of array et non array
class Grid {
  constructor (W, H){
    this.width = W;
    this.height = H;
    this.space = Array.from(new Array(this.height), () => new Array(this.width));
  getE ( vector) {
    return this.space[vector.y][vector.x];
  setE ( vector, value){
    this.space[vector.y][vector.x] = value;
  map (f) {
    //console.log(this.space.reduce( (p, n) => p.concat( n )));
    return this.space.reduce( (p, n) => p.concat(n)).map(f);
 // forEach(f) {return this.space.forEach(f);}  
function nbFromChar(legend, ch) {
  if (ch == " ") return " ";
  var element = legend[ch];
  return element;
function charFromNb(legend, ch) {
  if (ch == " ") return " ";
  var element = legend[ch];
  return element;
class World {
  constructor (){
    this.grid = new Grid(map[0].length, map.length);
  setE (){
    map.forEach( (line,y) => {
      line.split("").forEach( (char,x) => {
//ici autre modif new Vector(y,x) a la place de new Vector(x,y)
        this.grid.setE(new Vector(x,y),nbFromChar(legend,char));
  toString () {
     return (
         this.grid.map( (elt) => charFromNb(legendInv, elt))
             .reduce((p,n,i) => (i%this.grid.width===0) ? (p+"\n"+n) : (p+n))
var myWorld = new World();

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array of array

let t = [

console.log( t.reduce( (p, n) => p.concat( n ) ));

phase 1

var map = [ "HHHHHHHHHH",
            "X    !   X",
            "X        X",
            "X  ?     X",
            "X        X",
let legend = {"X":"1",
              "!": "A",

let legendInv = {"1":"|",
              "A": "x",
              "-" :"-",
              "E" :"Y"};

class Vector {
  constructor (x, y){
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
class Grid {
  constructor (W, H){
    this.width = W;
    this.height = H;
    this.space = Array.from(new Array(this.height*this.width));
  get (vector) {return this.space[vector.x + this.width * vector.y];}
  set (vector, value){this.space[vector.x + this.width * vector.y] = value;}
  map (f) {return this.space.map(f);}  
  forEach(f) {return this.space.forEach(f);}  
function nbFromChar(legend, ch) {
  if (ch == " ") return " ";
  var element = legend[ch];
  return element;
function charFromNb(legend, ch) {
  if (ch == " ") return " ";
  var element = legend[ch];
  return element;
class World {
  constructor (){
    this.grid = new Grid(map[0].length, map.length);
  set (){
    map.forEach( (line,y) => {
      line.split("").forEach( (char,x) => {
           this.grid.set(new Vector(x,y),nbFromChar(legend,char));
  toString () {
     return (
         this.grid.map( (elt) => charFromNb(legendInv, elt))
             .reduce((p,n,i) => (i%this.grid.width===0) ? (p+"\n"+n) : (p+n))
myWorld = new World();
World.prototype.toString = function() {
  return (
    this.grid.getSpace().map( (elt) => charFromNb(legendInv, elt))
                        .reduce((p,n,i) => (i%this.grid.width===0) ? (p+"\n"+n) : (p+n))

test js


'use strict';

let t = ["abcdefghi"];

let MyA = t[0].split("");

let v = MyA.reduce(function(p,n,i,array){
  return (i%3===0) ? (p+"\n"+n) : (p+n);

let v = MyA.reduce((p,n,i) => (i%3===0) ? (p+"\n"+n) : (p+n));
World.prototype.set = function(){
    map.forEach( (line,y) => {
      line.split("").forEach( (char,x) => {
           this.grid.set(new Vector(x,y),nbFromChar(legend,char));


Array.from permet d'initialiser un tableau.

 const T = Array.from(new Array(5), (x,i) => i);

// il suffit d'avoir un itérateur :
 const tab = Array.from({length : 5}, (x,i) => 2*i);


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Voici un cas d'écriture de fonction fléchées :

var motL = "anticonstitutionnelement myélosaccoradiculographie cyclopentanoperhydrophénanthrène intergouvernementalisation";

motT = motL.split(" ");

console.log(motT.map(el => el.length).reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a, b)));

console.log(motT.reduce((a, b) => a.length > b.length ? a : b));

Voici une utilisation sur le DOM ! 

motL = document.querySelector("div");

motT = motL.innerHTML.split(" ");

var Max = motT.reduce((a, b) => a.length > b.length ? a : b);

motL.innerHTML = motL.innerHTML.replace(Max, "<span>"+Max+"</span>");

Lire l'article suivant pour découvrir le this lexical dans les fonctions fléchées.


class Nb { constructor( x ) { this.x = x; } carre () { return this.x * this.x; } } const p1 = new Nb(2); console.log(p1.carre());